8/29/2018 - Joep Meindertma

JSON-HAL and JSON-LD are pretty popular formats for desiging APIs. They both have their merits, but they aren't compatible with each other. However, with some additions, we can turn JSON-HAL into valid JSON-LD, without changing any of the original keys. This way, you can keep compatibility with HAL clients and benefit from the advantages of linked data, such as conversion to other RDF formats.

Let's start with a JSON-HAL body object from the docs.

  "_links": {
    "self": { "href": "/orders/523" },
    "warehouse": { "href": "/warehouse/56" },
    "invoice": { "href": "/invoices/873" }
  "currency": "USD",
  "status": "shipped",
  "total": 10.20

To identify the main resource, we add an @id value:

  "@id": "https://example.com/orders/123",
  "_links": {
    "self": { "href": "/orders/523" },
    "warehouse": { "href": "/warehouse/56" },
    "invoice": { "href": "/invoices/873" }
  "currency": "USD",
  "status": "shipped",
  "total": 10.20

Let's add an @context object to map our keys to URIs:

  "@id": "https://example.com/orders/123",
  "@context": {
    "currency": "https://example.com/ns/shipping#currency",
    "status": "https://example.com/ns/shipping#status",
    "total": "https://example.com/ns/shipping#total",
    "warehouse": "https://example.com/ns/shipping#warehouse",
    "invoice": "https://example.com/ns/shipping#invoice"
  "_links": {
    "self": { "href": "/orders/523" },
    "warehouse": { "href": "/warehouse/56" },
    "invoice": { "href": "/invoices/873" }
  "currency": "USD",
  "status": "shipped",
  "total": 10.20

If we try to parse this as JSON-LD, we only get three valid triples. That's because the items in _links are not yet parsed. To do this, we need to let the JSON-LD parser know three things:

  • The object in _links describes the same resource as the root object. We do this by adding an @id value in the _links object with a value identical to the @id of the root object.
  • The href values in the objects in _links are actually the URI values of these properties. We do this by adding an2 @context object to the _links body that binds href to @id.
  • The _links object contains useful information, don't skip it, parser! For the JSON-LD playground parser, we can do this by mapping _links to some arbitrary URL. Since documenting such a hacky solution might be useful, let's link to this article. This is the most hacky part of my solution, so let me know if you find something better!
  "@id": "https://example.com/orders/123",
  "@context": {
    "currency": "https://example.com/ns/shipping#currency",
    "status": "https://example.com/ns/shipping#status",
    "total": "https://example.com/ns/shipping#total",
    "warehouse": "https://example.com/ns/shipping#warehouse",
    "invoice": "https://example.com/ns/shipping#invoice",
    "_links": "https://ontola.io/blog/json-hal-ld"
  "_links": {
    "@id": "https://example.com/orders/123",
    "@context": { "href": "@id" },
    "self": { "href": "/orders/523" },
    "warehouse": { "href": "/warehouse/56" },
    "invoice": { "href": "/invoices/873" }
  "currency": "USD",
  "status": "shipped",
  "total": 10.20

If we parse this as JSON-LD, we get all six triples:

<https://example.com/orders/123> <https://example.com/ns/shipping#currency> "USD" .
<https://example.com/orders/123> <https://example.com/ns/shipping#invoice> <https://json-ld.org/invoices/873> .
<https://example.com/orders/123> <https://example.com/ns/shipping#status> "shipped" .
<https://example.com/orders/123> <https://example.com/ns/shipping#total> "1.02E1"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double> .
<https://example.com/orders/123> <https://example.com/ns/shipping#warehouse> <https://json-ld.org/warehouse/56> .
<https://example.com/orders/123> <https://ontola.io/blog/json-hal-ld> <https://example.com/orders/123> .

Awesome! Just by adding a few keys, we converted JSON-HAL into JSON-LD, without breaking anything. However, the resulting object is not that pretty and quite verbose. Only use this is you really have to support both JSON-HAL and JSON-LD. If you haven't invested in JSON-HAL yet, but do need a linked data API, I recommend you go with JSON-LD plus Hydra, which also offers standardization for things like actions, collections and pagination.


  • Add an @id to both the root object and the _links object with the main resouce URL.
  • In the root @context, add your usual JSON-LD mapping.
  • In the root @context, map_links to some URL.
  • In the _links @context, map href to @id.